Personal Posts

Bond Girl

Bond Girl

Promiscuous preludes and the cousin who may have created them.

Silent Silos

Silent Silos

Standing silent, abandoned, and unused, the story behind these pillars of history.

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Eleuthera Talisman

Eleuthera Talisman

Where to buy a talisman inscribed with the silhouette of the 110 mile island.

Only In The Bahamas

Only In The Bahamas

Before the much delayed, much controversial, and much updated Marsh Harbour International Airport opened on mainland Abaco, the terminal was…

Summer To-Do List

Summer To-Do List

Yesterday marked the first day of summer: a change in season felt in the lukewarm waters, noticed in the clouds…

Diving Into Thirty

Diving Into Thirty

“You’ll love it,” a friend said of my lessons in scuba diving. “It will feel like home,” another intoned. Given…



At the tender age of 5, after years of struggling to read and write the alphabet with the ease of…

Seven Under Thirty

Seven Under Thirty

Birthdays. As my husband and I were just discussing, they’re fickle things. Given their relationship to age, many celebrants are…

The Experience of Summer

The Experience of Summer

Fall. It feigns to exist here in The Bahamas. Nevertheless it does. Felt in the cooler temperatures of our gin…

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