BAHA Links No. 29

BAHA LINKS_Bimini Shark Diving and Conservation_Cristina Zenato_CJ Crooks_Neal Watson1. The 1970’s JAWS like introduction to this video of Great Hammerhead shark tagging is just brilliant. (

2. Cristina Zenato, the woman who puts sharks in to a state of tonic immobility so as to remove hooks and parasites from them. (

3. A huge fan of CJ Crooks, the head of media for the Bimini Sharklab. His zest for life is so inspiring. (

4. And his videos are pretty spectacular too. The question is can he inspire enough to swim with sharks one day? (

5. To add to the “Experience List” – dive with the Great Hammerhead shark at Neal Watson’s Hammer HeadQuarters. Have I mentioned swimming with sharks is a real fear of mine? (

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